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Recent client project: B2B online videos

Advantis recently wrapped up a project involving a series of two-minute videos for a national Canadian business-to-business company. The goal was to help our client engage at a deeper level with their customers – a departure from typical product-focused...

Short-form style guide

Twitter is the ultimate platform to fill our desire for news, entertainment and communication designed to be easily digested for our society’s short attention span. But critics complain: “how do you say something meaningful with such a restricted word count?” Ask John...

Make your messages a jargon-free zone

Every industry has its jargon, and oh my, people love to use it. Jargon is the specialized or technical language of a trade, profession or group; kind of like a secret handshake. You’re in if you know it, a clueless outsider if you don’t. Two official...

Top Twitter terms… defined

Twitter is becoming increasingly mainstream, but it’s easy for us Tweeters to forget how mind-boggling the concept was when we first got on board. So here is a quick reference of terms in alphabetical order to get any new user started and understanding the jargon. For...

Blog your best

Before blogs BB (before blogs) we had only traditional publishing which included a beginning, middle, and an end. Books, newspapers and magazines have an attractive cover that stimulate our interest and persuade us to buy it and consume the content. Blogs turn that...

Do your words include everyone?

The search for an alternate way to say “man hours” and “manhole covers” for an employee newsletter article (how about “work hours” and “sewer covers”?) got me looking at the whole issue of gender neutral (or gender fair) language. Some people scoff at even calling it...

The ad hoc marketing syndrome

Let’s face it, it takes time to create a strategic public relations and marketing plan, let alone implement one. With today’s hectic pace of business and pressure to increase revenues, some companies are taking a reactive, short-sighted approach to marketing. Have you...

For You

The CommCrusaders blog shares insights from experts on digital communication and marketing, from social media to video communications.