by Ernesta Rossi | Oct 29, 2013 | Ernesta, Social Media, Social Media Training |
In recent blog posts, Twitter for Customer Service – Questions from the Front Line Question 1 and Question 2, we shared some common questions raised by attendees during a recent Twitter for Customer Service training session. The third question that seemed to be...
by Cyrus Mavalwala, ABC, MC | Oct 7, 2013 | Blog, Cyrus, Social Media, Social Media Training |
The fall is crazy busy for everyone. Companies are launching new services and products, PR and marketing agencies are receiving the green light on a backlog of projects, and courses like UofT School of Continuing Studies’ ‘Social on the Inside: Digital Strategies for...
by Ernesta Rossi | Sep 13, 2013 | Social Media, Social Media Training |
In a recent blog post, Twitter for Customer Service – Questions from the Front Line #1, we shared some common questions we received from attendees during one of our recent Twitter for Customer Service sessions. The second most asked question was: “Must we...
by Ernesta Rossi | Aug 23, 2013 | Social Media, Social Media Training |
The Advantis team recently delivered our ‘Twitter for Customer Service’ training session to front-line customer support personnel at a municipal transit organization. Over the three-day training session many questions were raised by attendees – in particular they were...