Even though the number of communications channels is increasing, the core principles of creating compelling content remain the same. See our posts “Three tips to keeping your key messaging on target” and “What is News?”
What this diversity of distribution channels offers is the ability to extend the reach of your public relations activities. By repurposing content and tailoring it for different online mediums, you can drive online discussion, resulting in increased visibility and higher search rankings.
A simple media release could provide enough information for a couple of blog posts (which can be pitched as guest posts on other people’s blogs – exposing you as an expert to a larger audience), an infographic, or a slide presentation with compelling visuals that reinforce key messages for posting on SlideShare. Three communications tools for the price of one.
In a digital world, these three variations on the content can be taken further. By encouraging social sharing, and responding to comments that are posted regarding the content, you encourage discussion and drive visibility. An online discussion may even provide an idea that can be expanded into the next blog post.
And it doesn’t end there. As public relations professionals, part of the role we play is to make it easier for journalists to use the information we provide. While digital media makes it easy for organizations to disseminate their key messages, there are a few simple things we can do to make it easier for third parties to use and share our content.
While a reporter may not always do a story on a topic outlined in a media release, it doesn’t mean they aren’t interested in the content. In reality, they’re on social media too and just like everyone else, they’re hungry for content. With this in mind, you can craft your media release so that it’s easy to cut and paste key information or links into social media posts. By providing the reporter with quality content they can use to keep their social media feeds updated you gain the credibility of their name and reputation as they discuss your content. You’ll also position yourself as an expert resource for future stories they may be working on.
Thanks for visiting the CaptainComm blog. We hope you’ve enjoyed reading about extending the reach of your PR. If you have any questions or would like more details, feel free to leave us a comment.