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As an IABC 500 club member I have a vested interest in ensuring IABC continues to evolve and remain relevant to communication professionals. So I try to take opportunities to chat with the many IABC influencers such as the hard working volunteer leaders.

While judging awards on the 2013 IABC Gold Quill Blue Ribbon panel in Toronto last year (even though the content in this post is evergreen, I do need to upload it before I participate in the 2014 Blue Ribbon Panel!), I had the opportunity to chat with Robin McCasland. In addition to volunteering as IABC’s Chair, Robin gets paid to be the internal communication and employee engagement leader, IT services division at Dell.

As an expert in internal communications and employee engagement, I asked Robin three questions about situations she often runs into at her work at Dell. In this two minute video, Robin shares her insights on:

  • Which leaders are effective communicators
  • Top tips for helping leaders become better communicators
  • How even natural communicators can improve further

So check out the two minute video with Robin McCasland and share with us your ideas on this topic!